Ivania Platero is in her second year at the Escuela Especializada en IngenierÃa (ITCA) where she studies Clinical Laboratory Science. She joined the scholarship program in January 2017 when she was a high school student. Ivania lives with her grandparents in El Espino. For Ivania and her family the Scholarship Program has been a great blessing, because thanks to it her and other young people have been able to continue their studies. Ivania says that before acquiring the scholarship, she was struggling with whether or not to continue studying, and the idea of getting a job was starting to look more realistic. But thanks to this program she has been able to continue studying after graduating from high school.Â
Ivania’s greatest obstacle has been her finances, since her grandparents no longer work and the only person who helps them financially is an uncle. Before being selected for the scholarship, Ivania says that it was frustrating to think that she would have to put her future on hold, but the FCE has allowed her to continue moving forward and been a great blessing to her and her grandparents. After finishing her technical degree, she hopes to find a job in her field, and be able to help her grandparents financially. She also wants to help other people who have similar goals to become a professional as well.